TRC Timberworks is now officially a Licensed Residential Builder with BC Housing (formerly Homeowner Protection Office – “HPO”). This means that we can now make it easy for you to build your dream home. On top of the services of…

TRC Timberworks is now officially a Licensed Residential Builder with BC Housing (formerly Homeowner Protection Office – “HPO”). This means that we can now make it easy for you to build your dream home. On top of the services of…
I often think that building a house is similar to the birth of a child. The conception is the time when my clients dream about what type of house they would love to have. They look at websites and read…
I got inspired last winter to carve some spoons for gifts for the holiday season. My kids loved hanging out in the wood shop with me, and they decided that they wanted to help carve a wooden soup spoon for…
This deck was a joy to design and build. The customers wanted to expand their outdoor living space, and they already had the deck there but wanted a covered area where they could bbq and hang out. Since the deck is…
These kitchen cabinets were a joint project: a custom kitchen designer from Crawford Bay, a cabinet making company in Calgary, and the install was done by TRC Timberworks. One of the biggest challenges was making sure that communication was working…
Working with rounds is a lot different than working with square timbers. Layout is completely different: working off of chalk lines and carving the rounds down to square posts at the joinery took a lot longer than just working with square…
What a joy to install a new set of stairs right on Christina Lake in the bright spring sunshine! The front deck of the Sunflower B&B needed two sets of new stairs, plus new posts under the deck. When I…
I found a great replacement truck, and even with the step up to a 3/4 ton, I’m pleasantly surprised at how good the fuel mileage is with the diesel engine.
I’m excited to try running biodiesel. Apparently biodiesel tends to clean out the fuel tank, so I need to be ready with a new fuel filter in the truck in case I have to change it while I’m out and about. Watch for me in a white truck now!
Well, September ended with a bang — literally! I hit an elk on the highway on the way to a job site, and this is what happened to my reliable green work truck. Unfortunately, the elk faired far worse, although I understand that the meat from the elk went to the soup kitchen, which made me feel a bit better about such a magnificent animal losing its life.
Whenever someone says they are “too old” or “too young” for something, I wonder if the reason for it is really that they are afraid of failure or even afraid of success!
I have so much admiration for people who are open minded and willing to try something new – at any age. My daughter is not yet three, and there is no concept of “too young” for her.